Packages & pricing

All prices are for weddings in the Wollongong region. Travel costs will apply to venues over 50km from Wollongong CBD

‘The Big Day’

The epic ceremony with all the hype, help and happy moments you want and need.

The big day includes:

  • An Acknowledgement of Country that is meaningful and relevant to your location 

  • Audience hype and participation (if requested) 

  • Multiple chats about your ceremony script to ensure it is tailored to your personalities and incorporates your love story to ensure we celebrate your love in your own way

  • Support and guidance writing your personalised vows 

  • Ideas for readings, songs and rituals that suit your vibe

  • All the boring paperwork signed, sealed and delivered 

  • Your Gen Z guests and your grandparents being obsessed with me


‘The Essentials’

The legals only event with just the love birds and their two witnesses . ‘The Essentials’ includes:

  • An Acknowledgement of Country that is meaningful and relevant to your location 

  • All the legal requirements for your ceremony that suits your vibe 

  • A splash of your love story 

  • All the boring paperwork signed, sealed and delivered 


Other services

You best believe I am not a one trick pony and can absolutely do pretty much any other ceremony that requires an officiant, including baby naming and vow renewal. Get in contact and ask to ask about pricing for all my services!

I’m ready, you’re ready